About Us

How We Started

Our Story

We've Been There

Our professional experiences range from pharmaceuticals to cancer biology. We've been there ourselves, from compounding our own pharmaceuticals by hand, to thermal cycling and processing DNA manually. Lacking, or working with sub-par equipment leads to frustrating work-arounds and, ultimately, inconsistent results. And you can only hear that "it's not in the budget" so many times. We knew there had to be a better way. So we started CD Proyle, where laboratories with common equipment needs can leverage the power of many to purchase top quailty instruments at affordable prices.

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01.Our Mission

We create accessibility to the laboratory instruments your facility needs through affordable pricing.

02.Our Vision

Better equipment leads to superior results. Our goal is to make the world's best research equipment affordable, so that attainability is never your barrier to results.

03.Our Approach

We identify and align equipment needs for research facilities nationwide, then utilize the power of scale to negotiate the biggest discounts on the best equipment.

500 +


50 +

Equipment Manufacturers


States Nationwide


Common Goal